Behind the Science of Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation is one of our most requested insulation services here at Spartan—and it’s no mystery why. Spray foam insulation is one of the most reliable insulation services that money can buy, and despite that it’s still shockingly affordable.
But what is it that makes spray foam insulation so cherished as an insulator? Well in this month’s blog post, we’re tackling the ins and outs of spray foam insulation and why you should consider it for your home.
What is Spray Foam Insulation?
On the most fundamental level, spray foam insulation is a chemical insulator that’s sprayed onto your walls to create an airtight seal. Spray foam insulation works by spraying two different chemicals that react when they touch one another. These two chemicals—isocyanate and polyol—rapidly expand and harden when they contact one another.
You should also know that there are two types of spray foam insulation: Open cell foam and closed cell foam.
What are “Cells” in Spray Foam?
Often times when we talk about spray foam insulation, we reference “cells,” which might make you think of something you learned in high school biology. However, the real explanation is much simpler. For spray foam, “cells” are tiny air bubbles that make up the structure of the spray foam, kind of like the bubbles on bubble wrap.
Sometimes these bubbles are “open,” meaning they aren’t sealed bubbles and are interconnected with one another. This creates a softer, less-insulating foam. You can think about these like popping the bubbles on a sheet of bubble wrap—the air can get in the bubbles and the wrap won’t be as effective, but it’ll still hold together and it’s not so rigid to the touch.
Other times, these bubbles are “closed,” meaning they’re sealed, tightly packed bubbles that are much stronger. Air can’t get into these bubbles, and—like bubble wrap—they’re surprisingly rigid and uniform despite being a relatively simple material: foam.
How Does Spray Foam Insulation Keep Your Home Insulated?
Spray foam insulation keeps your home insulated by forming an airtight bond that prevents air from circulating between your home and the outdoor environment. On top of that, spray foam insulation also provides an apparent R-value (the insulation value) of between 3.4 and 6.7 per inch. Simply put, that means spray foam will consistently provide moderate to superior insulation.
Get Spray Foam Insulation for Your Home or Business Today
Are you interested in professional insulation services for your home or office? If so, then we here at Spartan Insulation have the expertise to ensure you get the best spray foam insulation possible. For more information on our spray foam insulation services, click here to contact us today!